New Samples from TeaVivre! Woot! Not going to rate this until I get to fix it without the microwave. I quickly looked at the picture and thought what came out of the bag would be hard like nuts. Nope. It’s real soft. I steeped with below boiling water for maybe three minutes. The resulting brew is pretty clear. It has a little bit of honey color but not much. I’m wondering will this have any flavor? But of course. The website says it has a persimmon aftertaste. I was expecting closer to chamomile. It does not taste like our persimmons and definitely not chamomile. What I got is something very similar to white tea. Subtle but deep. Even prepared poorly I like this. If I were to rate it I would say mid to high 80’s. Don’t fear the Herbal. Need more cowbell?
I noticed the only other review of this at the moment thought it tasted like oolong. That is cool when a cup can give up such different impressions.
I have been eyeing this one. I may have to take the plunge on my next order.
Oh KS, now I have that song stuck in my head!
I gotta fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
You gotta recycle the classics every now and then. Stay tuned for Dancing Queen ;p
I noticed the only other review of this at the moment thought it tasted like oolong. That is cool when a cup can give up such different impressions.
Oh, thanks…now I’m going to dream Abba dreams all night.