No Rooibos will ever live up to my expectations after that Coconut Custard Rooibos. Sigh. This tea is just ok for me. The smell of the dry leaves is a little cough syrupy which made me afraid to try it. The smell brewed is more like a cherry sucker from the bank. Taste-wise, I get a lot of Rooibos flavor. The cherry is a background flavor and the vanilla is subtle and just rounds out the tea. It is ‘creamy’ but I kind of want more cherry and vanilla.
As it cools, I am getting more of the cherry sucker from the bank flavor.
Those cherry lollipops! I remember those! This was before ATM’s, and my mom would drive up through the drive-thru at the bank (especially during cold snowy days in Upstate NY) and the teller would always end the transaction with those lollipops for me and my sister! They would always appear there in that metal tube slot thingy.
Great memory! My kids can never believe that banks actually gave away suckers. My favorite flavor was always root beer and I was never crazy for the cherry ones as I always associated the cherry ones w/cough syrup like you described..
Wow: mega childhood flashback from your description of the sucker from the bank :)
Ha ha, the cherry sucker description is spot-on :)
Those cherry lollipops! I remember those! This was before ATM’s, and my mom would drive up through the drive-thru at the bank (especially during cold snowy days in Upstate NY) and the teller would always end the transaction with those lollipops for me and my sister! They would always appear there in that metal tube slot thingy.
Great memory! My kids can never believe that banks actually gave away suckers. My favorite flavor was always root beer and I was never crazy for the cherry ones as I always associated the cherry ones w/cough syrup like you described..
Liz – does that mean you like it?? :)
Ha, actually no- as it turns out, but it does suggest that I’d have liked it when I was 7.