I was way too excited to try this tea last night.. Probably because snickerdoodles are my favorite cookie ever :P I love the warm, gooey, mostly-baked kind. I don’t do crunchy cookies..
Anyway. My expectations were high… and this tea did not meet them. Does it taste like cinnamon? Yes. Is it sweet? Yes. Does it taste like a cookie? No.
It tastes like the mulling spices that I put in my apple cider. How does a snickerdoodle taste anything like apple cider sans apples? While the tea is “good” flavor-wise, I can’t be excited about it since it doesn’t taste like a cookie that Mom would make.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Sweet
Aw, what a bummer!
wasn’t a fan of this myself
Nothing will ever beat, let alone match Mom’s baked goods – sorry the tea was a bummer. I wasn’t a fan of it either… but then again I don’t enjoy the cookies :/