Mmmmmm…niiiiice. This tea is hitting the spot! Its very visually appealing when u first put it in cup- it is like lil friggin monkey claws! Too cute! The taste is very smooth, with a nice malty touch and a hint of chocolate notes for sure. Its very satisfying and filling while I snuggle here in my sweats on a cold day . Yes I did actually get to the gym earlier but that was hours ago and now I’m satisfying my craving for warmth. When I was working out I was trying to distract myself from the pain by thinking of the blueberry white tea I would have iced when we got home..well, that never happened and I’m now chilled enough that iced anything makes me shiver. I suppose I could turn the heat up but I kinda like the briskness in the house- keeps me going. That and keeps me wanting more and more tea and thats never a bad thing!!
3 min, 45 sec
Tea: reducing heating bills since before heating bills existed.
u said it girl! :)