I bought a new pouch of this yesterday and I’m so excited. This is one of my favorite black teas! Last night I had my gaiwan tea set out so I just decided what the heck… I threw two of the little balls in my gaiwan. Here are the results:
Dry leaf:
Aroma: Deep malty, chocolate/cocoa
Appearance : Tightly rolled round balls, black with small streaks of brown/yellow
1st 205* at 1.00
Aroma: cocoa, malty, earthy
Flavor: Light, cocoa dusted earth.
2nd 205* 2.00
Aroma: Burnt sugar, malty, slightly earthy
Flavor: Sweet, raisins, cocoa, malt, slightly earthy
3rd 205* 3.00
Aroma: Dried fruit, cocoa, burnt sugar, slight maltiness
Flavor: Raisins, cinnamon, cocoa, slight malt
4th 205* 4.00
Aroma: Dried fruit, cocoa, suuper light malt
Flavor: Raisins/dates, cocoa, cinnamon applesauce