So as I was searching for the next amazing matcha to buy I stumbled across this one. I had a lot of the dessert ones so I thought I’d give a fruit flavor a try :] Grape!! Which you can buy here:
When I opened the package I was expecting more of a natural grape smell. But then the sweet, grape candy smell hit me. Mm it smells like grape bubblegum! Even as I was whisking it I got bursts of it. Ok.. here it goes, the first sip.. Oh man, it even tastes like grape candy. Like I have said in my other matcha reviews, if you get the “delicate” option the flavor sneaks in at the end or slightly behind the matcha. I feel like the matcha and the grape blend well together though. They compliment each other. The sweetness of the grape goes nicely with the slight sweetness/vegetal tastes of the matcha. I think I finally found my “go to” matcha when I’m craving candy. Except next time I might go for the “distinctive” flavoring. You can never get too much grape!
This is a great matcha if you are looking for something that tastes sugary, sweet with a little fruit flavor. Again here is the link you can buy it at: