I saw this in a fellow steepsters cupboard and went.. “wait…what..?” I had no idea something the awesome could exist. I had to have it. So of course I went to redleaftea.com and looked through their matcha. I seriously couldn’t believe how many flavors they had. I didn’t even know there was such a thing like flavored matcha. Tea just got THAT much better.
Honestly I was afraid to order it. I didn’t know if it would be good or completely disgusting, but some reviews I read had really made it sound amazing. I finally got up the courage and ordered some of the Cola Matcha waited… and waited.. (Red Leaf actually shipped it pretty quickly. I ordered it Monday and received it Friday :D)
This morning I thought I’d give it a try. I opened the package and smelled it immediately. It smelled like those gummy cola candies you get at gas stations. YUM. So I mixed it all up, nice and frothy and took the first sip. Oh.. my.. goodness.. It actually does taste like cola. The thing I love is that you can still taste a matcha base after the cola. I feel like I can even get a little bit of the fizziness feeling like real cola.
Finding a matcha like this actually makes me really, really happy. I LOVE the flavor of cola but have trouble actually drinking it. The carbonation gives me tummy aches so to find something this good for you AND flavored like cola makes me one happy girl! If you like cola this is a must try for you! Here is a link to it :
I’m really glad you like it. Next I recommend getting “2in1” matcha, pick Cola and Cherry flavors. Some say that this combo is even better :-)
I’m really glad you like it. Next I recommend getting “2in1” matcha, pick Cola and Cherry flavors. Some say that this combo is even better :-)
Oo that sounds so good. I think it’d even go well with some vanilla too!
I like it with orange! I’m gonna have to get cherry too.