So a friend of mine came to visit. Our 4hour lab got cancelled and I saw her in the computer lab. We both pretty much live on the hill on tuesdays (10am to 8pm aww yeaah!) and our lab is the middle class. I was already on the way home when I saw her and I was like Let’s chill at my place instead of staying here for like six hours.
And so we went home and I like.. the kettle was right there. Loki was right there. It was calling my name and I just let my inner tea lover side of me out and I was like I’m making tea! Did you want me to make you some? And she said yep and wow she was so amazed because I had a kettle and a pot and was legit scooping tea into the pot.
SHE NEVER KNEW THAT LOOSE LEAF WAS A THING?!?!?! And so I was like YEAH I REALLY LIKE TEA OKAY. And now she’s going home with 10 teas and she was really fascinated by it.
I love the balance of the spearmint and the rooibos and the gunpowder. It smells soooo good from the pack and the spearmint really does come out. The rooibos and gunpowder balance the spearmint perfectly and it was just sooo good.
I ended up making two potfuls of this because my roommates friend came and she loves tea and was all MAKE ME SOME.
So yeah. This tea is sooooo good.
Thank you to shmiracles for sending some my way!