Dammann Freres advent calendar. Day… 4ish? Though I’m actually having it on the 11th of December, so whoops.
On the plus side though I have gone through the backlog and am (mostly) keeping up. This advent calendar stuff is hard when you work nights and the days change up on you mid shift.
Dry this really smelled a lot like cherry candy flavoring. Once steeped I get what resembles apple cinnamon. It’s so fun how these things change with nothing but the addition of hot water. Though there is orange in the ingredient list, I don’t get any here. Just mostly that cinnamon with apple and then a vague creaminesss that I will assume is from the vanilla.
What a cozy Christmas tea! I was worried about liking it since greens usually aren’t the first tea I reach for, but it is surprisingly full bodied and comforting – I don’t normally think of greens as a winter tea but it works here.
A refreshing break from the citrus, really. And quite good plain – I will have to keep this in mind if I do place a Dammann freres order in the future.