Alright, time to deviate a bit from my 52teas habit. I bought an Upton iced sampler a while back and it has been waiting patiently for me to have a go.
I am a huge iced tea drinker. I drink iced tea more than hot tea, actually. Especially in the summer. I made a half gallon of this using 15 g. leaf, my normal amount of sweetener, and steeping for the below parameters.
I think it’s the darjeeling in this giving it a more delicate taste. It doesn’t have the typical briskness of assams or straight ceylons. This would be fine if I’d held back a little on the sweetener, but I feel like the sugar overwhelms a bit here. It has the potential to have a stronger flavor, so maybe a 4 minute steep with less sugar will do the trick next time.
Withholding a rating for now, but I will be revisiting the rest of the sample relatively soon I’m sure!