Following 226 Tea Drinkers

MzPriss 192 followers

Black/red Chinese teas, pu-erh and oolong hold the keys to my heart. I don’t ...

tanluwils 83 followers

My ever expanding list of obsessions, passions, and hobbies: Tea, cooking, hi...

Lion 136 followers

Hi there, fellow tea lovers. My name’s Lion and I’m a Gongfu Cha practitioner...

mcrdotcom 28 followers

I’m Robbie! I’m 22 with a B.Sc in chemistry, currently doing a PhD in synthet...

52Teas 189 followers

52Teas offers you high-quality, hand-crafted, small batch artisan tea blends ...

kieblera5 144 followers

Learning more about tea every day. Likes: Greens, whites, oolongs, blacks, an...

JeffMI 18 followers

Hi, I’m Jeff. I started drinking tea in 2013. I started with Herbals and quic...

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I drink tea to calm my anxiety and focus my thoughts away from distracting go...

Grill 94 followers

Well I figure I should fill this out beyond a joke about picking the pu out o...

Brian Lavelle 24 followers

Scottish tea drinker, although rarely a drinker of Scottish tea. I enjoy puer...



I’ve been drinking tea for about 8-10 years now, but Puerh for about 7-8 years. I love learning and I love the people who ae passionate about it. This is a constant learning field and I love that too. I’m mostly in to Puerh, Black tea and Oolongs but I do enjoy other types from time to time.

I’m adding the scale because I noted that we all use the same system but it doesn’t mean the same to all.(I rate the tea not by how much I ‘like it’ only; there are flavors/scents I don’t like but they are quality and are how they are supposed to be and I rate them as such).

90 – 100: AMAZING. This the tea I feel you should drop whatever you are doing and just enjoy.

80-89: Great tea that I would recommend because they are above ‘average’ tea, they usually posses that ‘something’ extra that separates them from the rest.

70-79: An OK tea, still good quality, taste and smell. For me usually the tea that I have at work for everyday use but I can still appreciate and get me going through my day.

60-69: Average nothing special and quality is not high. The tea you make and don’t worry about the EXACT time of steep because you just want tea.

30-59: The tea you should probably avoid, the tea that you can mostly use for iced tea and ‘hide’ what you don’t like.

1-29: Caveat emptor! I feel sorry for my enemies when they drink this tea. :P




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