Last night I went to Walmart a little tipsy, and ended up spending $100 on a Keurig Brewer. They had intrigued me for a while, and I was surprised to see one for only $100. After looking for K-Cups a couple different places, I wasn’t too excited about their options for tea. I read quite a few reviews that told me just tossing in a tea bag was a bad idea…but I just couldn’t resist.
First I tried a white tea in the Keurig, and was pleasantly surprised at how tasty it was! I was so excited to be enjoying such yummy tea in under 2 minutes, that I just had to try a second bag. In the mood for something fruity, I ripped open my wild berry zinger out of my fruit tea sampler and decided to give that a whirl. I was pretty excited when I first smelled it, but didn’t want to get my hopes up. Fortunately I was not disappointed!
It tastes very similar to fruit punch to me. And I’m a huge fan of fruit punch. :) I suppose it has some tartness to it but it’s not overwhelming. I’m really curious to see what this tastes like iced. I bet with a bit of stevia it will be delicious! Hoping I can find a box of this this weekend- since it’s from the fruit sampler I only have 2 or 3 left.
One of these days I may try steeping this in my teapot just to see how it compares to the way it tastes from the Keurig. This machine of course doesn’t replace my kettle/teapot but I definitely see myself using this on mornings I have to be to class by 8, and at night when I just don’t have the energy to mess with steeping the old-fashioned way!
I’m excited I can make using of my new brewer without having to spend $12 for 16 cups of tea!