3 days after I ordered 6 boxes of this on Amazon (at $3/box + $6 shipping!) I saw it had arrived at Walmart! I snagged the only 5 boxes on the shelf. I’m really glad they had them because my Amazon order still hasn’t arrived yet. It was perfect timing because I had just used up my last 6 bags to make a big tumbler full to take to my night class. It was the only thing that was gonna get me through! It’s a 2 hour and 40 minute class and the teacher usually doesn’t give breaks. If she does, it’s like one that lasts 5 minutes. Most of my classes are an hour longer than this one so it should seem pretty short, but not when we don’t even get a break!
Anyway, back to the tea.
The new box smelled more orangey than my box from last year. I’m not sure if that’s because my old box was getting old? Or if they’ve changed the ingredients at all? The order of the ingredients is the same on the box, and it seemed to taste the same, so I’m not too worried. I’m curious to see if the boxes I got online smell any different.
As I type this I’m steeping 5 bags in a 16 ounce tumbler with 1 teaspoon of german rock sugar. I’m gonna let it go about 12 minutes, then add a little bit of unsweetened almond milk. I’m hoping the almond milk doesn’t do more harm than good! After that I’m gonna try it unsweetened, which I haven’t tried in a while. I usually don’t sweeten my teas anyway. I bet I won’t even notice that much of a difference!
OK! Tea’s done. :)
I filled the rest of the tumbler up with the unsweetened almond milk. Maybe the top inch or so?
And…it’s not bad! I still don’t think the flavor is as good as it is without the milk, but the consistency sure is comforting. :) And the color looks great! Something I would be proud to serve to guests. :) The color would not scare them away. haha I think I will use more sweetener next time I use the almond milk, and save this concoction for special occasions.