I had the most amazing tea experience today!!
I must have brewed everything in precisely the right quanity/temp etc because this came out perfectly toasty, milky, floral… just how I love my oolongs. and then, for the first time EVER I made it to SIX steeps!! and each one was just as strong as the previous one! well, except maybe the first, which in my experience is never the best.
Anyhow, on the last steep I got distracted by something and oversteeped it(it was still amazing of course), so couldn’t really try for a seventh cup, not to mention I had already stayed behind at work (20 min) to indulge in my sixth! am I sad or what…
Well, I have maybe one more spoonful of this delightful tea left, and then maybe if I am lucky, a small one after that.
I am in such a good mood… but also still really tired from a long week!
Thankyou again QuiltGuppy!! you are a tea goddess to behold :)