I can’t believe I haven’t rated this one yet! I could have sworn that I had… hmm.
Anyhow, this was at one point a fave of mine, but not as much now that I am here in TO. See, I bought this in Florida, and the water must be different there because this tea in particular is not what I remember! The coconut oolong, which I also bought at the same shop, tastes better here, but not the rainforest mate. Odd huh?
Here, I taste more of the licorice, and the mate, whereas in Florida, it was all about the fruitiness. Can hard/soft water make that much of a difference?
Who knows. Oh and I am definitely getting the mint here, where I never noticed it prior. That said, it’s still very smooth, and I quite enjoy my yerbas.
So, my rating is based on these factors then:
1. This tea is useful, keeping me energized for the moment but it won’t cause me trouble later in the evening when I try to get some sleep. I also enjoy the yerba taste, as mentioned above. and again, it’s super smooth, also a good thing
2. I’m not a huge licorice or mint fan except in very particular circumstances (icecream for instance. I love mint chocolate chip!)
3. The fruity part, which initially drew me in is gone.
Thus, this tea would have previous received a score of 90, but is now relegated to 84. Oh well. C’est la vie!

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