What a rush! wow!
I was in a hurry, unsure of what to order, and hadn’t even tried my customary test sip to see if it needed sugar/milk, which I decided to go with just in case… they make the tea scalding hot, no way was I doing that! So when I got into the office and sat down to enjoy my cuppa, I really had no idea what might be assailing my tongue.
My first sip, I thought: eeeeps! I oversteeped. That’s what I get for morning chitchat.
Second sip: It’s not bad, despite the oversteeping!!
Third sip: I added sugar, but it tastes like there’s none at all. Still, I like it this way!
Fourth sip: ohhh, I really like it this way. I think I’m in love!!
Yes, I did it!!! I found a black tea that I LOVE! well, a plain black, “unflavoured” version anyhow. Extra points for being the first (not counting Marco Polo, but then that one was chosen for me, not that I am begrudging it at all, I’m just taking extra pride in finding this one myself!)
The company website has no description so I don’t really know what’s in it. I think Ceylon?
Anyhow, I can’t remember much in terms of specifics from this morning, but it was malty, and super bold with very little astringency. I could swear there was just a hint of roasted-ness but that was probably the oversteeping. Oh, and my favourite part, the complete novelty part, is the raisin finish!! I’ve noticed raisin notes before, but never this strong, and usually not with milk in them, or as a finish. Yum!
They have another tea that I tried ages ago, which was also amazing. That’s two for two! I wish they had more variety, this is the closest looseleaf shop to my work, and so much better than Teaopia! alas, I will have to settle for their mere ten teas.