This one confuses me. It does not taste like cheesecake! more like milky cheesey candies? of a thick creamy nature.
The aroma puts me off a little, especially when made hot. Definitely not for me when made that way. Shaken bottle method it isn’t so bad. Better, but not by much.
The scent is somewhat stinky, like aged cheese, so I really don’t wanna know what it tastes like with milk. I added some the first time I made this so that could be why I found it so horrid.
BUT all is not lost. I’ve discovered that it mixes really well with strawberry, and I am guessing it will do the same with Peppermint.
In fact, with my strawberry, the tartness seems to be enhanced, yet the creaminess is deeper than with plain strawberry as well. I’m impressed, to be honest. It’s raised my opinion of this one significantly.
In fact, I may repurchase this with a better base. That could be what is throwing me off as I find that I enjoy the Royal base much more.
It should also be noted that I’m very particular about my cheesecake. My Aunt makes this “diet” cheesecake because it uses cottage cheese or ricotta, I can’t recall which, and I just love it.
The thicker, dense creamy type, well I somehow never got around to liking it. Something about the texture and intensity just bugs me. Anyhow…
This one has the Basic base, Robust flavour level, and it was a size small. If you want to order some up, get it here:
As for my rating, it goes like this:
made hot with a dash of milk… 60
made shaken bottle method with a dash of agave… 73
made hot with strawberry and a dash of agave… 85