Interesting!! cocoa, malt… and something I can’t quite put my finger on. Carob?
Three steeps and it was still going strong. On the last one I started to get a slight tingle, an inkling of the spice to come should I have the time to do another steep. But… it’s almost bed time so sadly it shall have to wait for another day. Perhaps a Gawain experience? So far, not my fave tea but it is superb and worth the extra expense. No questions about that! in my memory-lapsed brain, it reminds me of Golden Monkey, but then I’d need to do them up side by side to be sure.
Sorry for the short note. I’m pooped after spending the afternoon with the fabulous Kittena and Sil!! (in alpha order only, they are both amazing!)
I came away with just as much tea as I doled out, so sadly my purge tea mission backfired, but then on the plus side… I have more tea to try. yay!!
Rating: 90
And it was all free :) Everyone won on that deal!
hehe yup!! wish you coulda been there Azzrian
Everybody raves about this Yunnan Gold. I have yet to sample it.
pm me your addy, I’ll send ya some! :)
Noooo, pretty sure you gave away more tea!! :P
LOL not by too much! or as much as I’d hoped anyhow…
Uh I have a table fll of tea that might say otherwise….
darn outnumbered! haha