I need to eventually do a side by side taste test of this tea, and Bird Pick’s Yunnan Pu-erh. Its been 9 days since I drank the latter so it’s hard to compare by memory. The aroma of the dry leaf is more earthy, pond water-y. Theres also more dust in the bag, similar to how really tippy yunnans have gold dust in the bag.

The flavor is a bit more earthy than I recall the other pu-erh being. Theres also a bit of an almost cocoa note hinting at the edges. But aside from that, its very similar the other pu-erh. Smooth, not too heavy, not too intense, easy going pu-erh. I’ll need to do a side by side, but while I would like to have either in my cupboard for a nice daily pu-erh, I don’t feel the need to have both. And considering that this is 4x as expensive as the Yunnan Pu-erh, I’d have to say that it won’t be my choice.

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