drank Buddha's Blend by DAVIDsTEA
294 tasting notes

Thanks Jump62359 for sending this to me in the game of Tealephone.

Holy moly, this smells so fruity and juicy. Went I checked my mail this morning, I could smell it as I was pulling it out of the mailbox, through the package. I already knew I had to have what ever was in there iced.

I had no idea what hibiscus looked like before. I know what it tastes like, but I never knew what thing among all the other things in a blend was the hibiscus. So when I saw the huge whole flower in the bag I didn’t know what it was. Saw that it was hibiscus, and said oh no you don’t, and took it out of my infuser.

I love jasmine, it’s just about the only flower that I like in my teas. And I like peaches (sort of manditory when you’re the state below Georgia. In elementary school, if you didn’t eat your peach cup that came with your lunch, the kids would fight over who got it, and then talk about how weird you were for not wanting it). The peach seems to drown out the jasmine here. I do get it at the end of the sip, but its sort of perfume-y and fake, and then it melds with the peach in a long lingering after sip.

Overall, it’s not bad. I might try steeping it a bit shorter just to cut back on the perfume taste, but a nice iced tea all the same.

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