So on the way back to my dads from the cruise I discovered that there’s a Teavana in the mall right next to his house. I’ve never been to a Teavana, or any tea shops for that matter. Knowing all the Teavana horror stories, I decided on this tea before going in, and when I got there I made a bee line right to the register, told the lady “2 oz of Raspberry Riot Lemon Mate and that’s it”. I was in and out in 5 minutes with no trying to sell me anything else or anything. I’d call that a success.
So this morning, before digging into the Samples Only TTB I tried this out iced. Holy yum is it good. Both the dry and wet tea smell super fruity and enticing, and with a touch of sugar it really does remind me of raspberry lemonade. I’m not really getting any mate taste, but I’m ok with that. I don’t think I can imagine this hot. With the hibiscus and the rose hips and raspberry and lemon, I imagine it would be super duper tart. But iced and sweetened its super refreshing and yummy. I also managed to resteep this and produce a pretty decent second cup.
205 °F / 96 °C
5 min, 30 sec
3 tsp
8 OZ / 236 ML