This one comes from the ever so lovely CrowKettle along with a few other WP teas and a few other odds and ends. This one caught my interest when she said recently that it tasted like marzipan, or somewhat dessert-like. Then today when she gave it to me, she also mentioned the cedar and eucalyptus notes. Colour me intrigued and confused.

So I went to look at steeping parameters, and it said to use 1 tablespoon for 8 oz, and I was like, huh? Thinking it was a typo and that it was 1 teaspoon, I opted to try the smaller amount. I’m not sure if it is in fact a typo, but that is how I made it.

The liquor is much paler than I was expecting. Which maybe is under leafing? I don’t know. I went into drinking this one with the hopes I got a more dessert-y feel, and I did, though I can kind of pick up that slightly minty-ishness of the eucalyptus. It is sold of like a coolish feeling going down, but not like peppermint or spearmint or anything really strong. I can kind of pick out the sweeter vanilla note, but not sure on the saffron or really what that should taste like.

I did use sugar for both of my steeps which makes it less woodsy to me. I’m not the hugest fan of woodsy, to be honest, and that part of the description is what threw me off on wanting to try this, until it was compared to marzipan. I can’t quite say it is like marzipan, but I can get a sort of dessert note, probably from the vanilla and saffron. Marzipan is a bit more almondy.

I’d have to say this feels like a masculine tea, playing a bit of dress up, and trying on a little bit of a feminine feel. I have to say I am a little confused and mystified about this one. I have enough for another serving, and I can probably get one more steep out of this. I might look at cold steeping the last bit, or a steeping from the last bit, as was suggested.

I can’t say whether I would recommend the to anyone because it is such a peculiar yet specific note that the person really has to like more woodsy notes in their tea. But that’s just not my thing. For what it is, I like it more than I thought I would based on the description alone. Thanks again to CrowKettle for sharing this with me, and pushing me out of my comfort zone.


I think it smells like marzipan more than it tastes like it, in a David’s Tea Alpine Punch kind of way, but yeah.. lots of interesting things going on in this cup, for sure!


I can pick that up, with you having said that, but not sure I would on my own…but def a dessert quality.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Just updated the steeping info on Steepster. It should have read 1/2 tablespoon in 200ºF water for 3 minutes. If you’ve got enough for another steep, I’d love to hear if your opinions change at all! :)


I used a heaping teaspoon, so that should have been about 1/2 tablespoon, but it was for 12 oz. I have a little sample left, so I’ll how much is left in that.

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I think it smells like marzipan more than it tastes like it, in a David’s Tea Alpine Punch kind of way, but yeah.. lots of interesting things going on in this cup, for sure!


I can pick that up, with you having said that, but not sure I would on my own…but def a dessert quality.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Just updated the steeping info on Steepster. It should have read 1/2 tablespoon in 200ºF water for 3 minutes. If you’ve got enough for another steep, I’d love to hear if your opinions change at all! :)


I used a heaping teaspoon, so that should have been about 1/2 tablespoon, but it was for 12 oz. I have a little sample left, so I’ll how much is left in that.

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I generally like a lot of tea. I do find I have a preference for flavored over unflavoured, but I do love a good straight tea as well.

Likes are too hard, since there are a lot. Dislikes are easier, so here they are…

Hibiscus. Blech. I can tolerate a little, depending on the brew, like Berry Good from Davids and Ruby Pie from Butiki…but in general, it’s too tart and too strong for me.

Licorice. Anything that remotely resembles licorice is out too, so that includes fennel and anise. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

Florals. I’m cool with petals in the tea to make them look pretty (except rose), and I’m cool with teas like oolongs having a floral note, but strong florals can give me migraines. Rose and jasmine are the biggest offenders. This is one where it can vary on the blend, as I can handle Teavivre’s Peach Jasmine Dragon Pearl tea because there is very little jasmine actually detectable in it.

Rooibos is hit or miss. I can do some, but not others. I handle green better than red, and honeybush better than rooibos.

My ratings don’t have a particular scale or method, and may on occasion contradict themselves, but I’m honestly not fussed about that. Sometimes I don’t even rate at all.

Um, I have an extensive wishlist. It is both a list of things I want to get again, and things I want to try. If you are sending me something, and you want to know which is which, I’ll tell you via PM.

Yes, I do trades…usually on request though. See something you want to try in my cupboard? Just shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do!

Uh, guess that’s it.


Victoria, BC

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