I picked some of this up yesterday, when I picked up the new Cotton Candy and Caramel Corn teas (later swapped the two for Movie Night when I had realized I was not liking either as TTG). I opted to try this one today as I had hoped that a straight tea might reset my buds after all the artificial garbage from yesterday. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ok with artificial flavouring, usually, but it seems like some of it I just can’t handle. Such was the fate of the aforementioned teas.
This is not the darkest oolong I have ever had, but it is far from the greenest. I’m actually surprised it brewed lighter than expected but it may be that my water may have cooled too much. That said, I definitely get some mineral plummy notes. Not sure that I know how shea butter is supposed to taste, but there is a sort of smooth and slightly roasted nutty note, so maybe that is it?
I’m doing a resteep, so I’ll see how that goes, but so far, it is a nice and pleasant, but not amazing oolong. I’ll probably refill and get 50g or so (maybe 100g?) and when it is gone, it is gone, and I will be sad, but not devastated. I may change my mind on it. We’ll see how the rest of my 10g sample goes.
Flavors: Mineral, Plum