I could swear I made a note on this one already, but I guess not, so this is a backlog.
I had it with Singapore Cashew Curry from Noodle Box (take-out) and it was a very nice compliment. I found, that even as a rooibos, it was pretty tasty. I was nervous with the base which is why I opted to share this and get a small sample with our co-op group.
It smells really good, and it is another gorgeous tea. It’s pretty tasty, and more mango tasting than DAVIDs current Mango Lassi. That one tastes more like Buttercream without the white tea base, from the fall collection a few years back. I thought I’d prefer DT one because it is an herbal blend, not rooibos, but I think I like them for different reasons, and I think I may actually like this one better simply because it is more mango-y and the other is more mango and chamomile.
I don’t know if I would regularly stock this one, but it is nice to have a rooibos I like.
i have this coming for our daughter. =0)
Mmm, Singapore Cashew Curry.