3011 Tasting Notes
Definitely has that “red cherry syrup” vibe, even without sugar. Luden’s … popsicles … Shasta cherry soda …
But not undrinkable, if you know what to expect. Bet it’s good on ice.
I’ll second Nicole’s comment that this smells amazing. And it’s quite pretty—I love cornflower petals in my tea.
Lots of sweet blueberry flavor, not getting a lot of black tea base, but I was extra cautious on steep time since this was my trial run. I think this will be a good candidate for a let-it-sit-while-you-put-your-morning-makeup-on breakfast choice.
Don’t know what’s prompted this uncharacteristic adventurous streak…but I took the other half-packet and stirred it into a bowl of cooked stone-cut oats. Chai oatmeal! May have to lay hands on a larger supply of this for culinary purposes this fall.
Wouldn’t you know it—-cold dreary day giving way to cold crisp sunshine today; perfect tea weather; a mug has been omnipresent in my hand all weekend … and we’re having Internet fits so I couldn’t log a one of them. Oh, the joys of ISP’s that don’t see much of a need to service their rural areas. But I digress.
Nicole kindly shared this one, and it is mighty tasty! The flavor surprised me. Extremely rich and extremely strong. Leans more heavily to the apricot side, and the black tea base has some meat on its bones, too. (Oh, look, a bunny! Not really, but my ADD just kicked in while….
…..I went to the kitchen and put a spoonful of raw sugar and a dash of cinnamon in my cup.)
Now it’s apricot cobbler!
Most of the David’s teas I’ve tried are dessert-based, and so far, they’re spot on. Grateful again to the tea friend that shared!
I guess it depends on your recipe—this one tastes like cake, for sure, enough carrot to get the intent. But the coconut gives it a tropical loop-de-loop I didn’t expect. My growing-up carrot cakes were more autumnal, spicy.
All the same, it’s a pretty tasty pastry treat. (Try to say that five times fast :) Little milk OK but not necessary.
I forgot which one of you nice people sent this one my way, but thank you!
Our first real raw, damp cool-down of the year. Temps were mid-40’s after dinner last night; so I tried half a packet in a cup of dark chocolate cocoa. Perfect!
I am a chai wimp, so I’m thinking this would be too strong for me straight up. Reminds me of a very potent version of the instant Nestea that used to be around our house when I was a kid.
Yunnan kicks are the best kicks.