3010 Tasting Notes
Sample provided by a co-worker. Tastes like somebody just indiscriminately dumped in the contents of a spice cabinet with a heavy licorice sticky-tongue feeling that overrides all of it. Will sip dutifully (for the health benefit) but rather reluctantly.
We buy this in bulk…about 31 cents an ounce…at local health food store. Can’t beat it for the price! I’ll have to see if I can associate it with a brand. The leaves are big and loose and … well, leafy instead of tea-ey. It has a nice wet-earth sort of aroma and a hearty brown (as opposed to golden or black or chartreuse) flavor. Ices pretty well in the summer too.
That sounds lovely! I wonder what brand it is… I have a few teas like this, too, where they’re good, but I’m not sure what company they come from.
We literally scoop it out of a bin; I think I’ve seen some 20-pound feed-sack sized bags of the same on the shelf. (Can you imagine how long it would take to drink 20 pounds of tea?)
Got sidetracked and let this go too long … I saw the word “rusty” used to describe this one, which I think is the perfect term for the sharp little undertaste I get because I oversteeped. Still, it’s warm and I’m not. May break from my usual practice and add a little sweetener to the second cup to see if it un-bitters it.
Grabbed a bag out of our break room bin in desperation; needed a hand warmer more than something sophisticated to drink; doesn’t make a bad hot tea, though it has a little bit of a papery aftertaste.
Needed something with a little meat on its bones this morning (0 degrees on the thermometer, -16 wind chill). This doesn’t seem strong or stout to me, but it is thick and rich, especially with a little condensed milk.
I think this is going to be one of those that is going to be kind and forgiving regardless of steeping mistakes … I got impatient and dragged the bag out a little too quickly and it’s still sharp and stout in a nice mild sort of way. I need tea that forgives me.