3010 Tasting Notes

drank Mint Medley by Bigelow
3010 tasting notes

Mint teas always make me slow down…maybe it’s because I can’t help but stop and breathe the steam; deep cleansing breaths. I need to take several today for various and sundry reasons.

Dry bag smells just like a stick of Wrigley’s. It’s heavy on the spearmint side, no bitterness. Yep, chewing gum in a cup.

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I’m not a huge chai fan…can’t decide if it’s cloves or cardamom that reminds me of a random spillage of the stale contents of my outdated spices. I’m a cinnamon-nutmeg-ginger sort of person and that’s about it.

With that said, this is pretty good. I am a rooibos sort of person and I think that’s what mellows the spices down enough for me to enjoy this, even without dairy and sweetener.

I’m generally pretty “meh” on Numi selections, but this is one of their better ones.

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drank Gong Fu Black by Zhi Tea
3010 tasting notes

If Facebook is to be believed, evidently we slept through Oklahoma earthquake aftershocks in our neighborhood. I believe I’ve had enough natural disasters for one year, thank you very much, thus something strong and bracing to bolster my sagging spirit was in order.

The strong and bracing thing was actually morning devotions—Psalm 27:5; “He will conceal me in His shelter in the day of adversity…” and while I was devoting, I accidentally let the tea steep a good eight minutes.

Expected an oops, but it was as smooth and cocoa-burgundy as if I’d done it right. This is so good, milk or sugar would be an insult. Adding this to my list of no-fail teas, which is becoming more and more appreciated.

May you find stable ground (physically, spiritually, and emotionally) under your feet today.




Second steep, the cocoa tone goes a little flat, but it’s a sweet, lighter version of Round 1. Still excellent.

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Just what I’m looking for in a fruit tea…fruit flavor and not hibiscus! Not tart, not artificial or chemical, just blueberries. Well done.


I also cold brew this sometimes, it makes a nice iced tea


I like this way more than I expected to. : )

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It’s always a good sign when you steep a new tea twice on two different mornings and its equally good both times. This one looks like it’s going to be consistent and reliable. Oh, how we all need that in a tea, in a vehicle, in a friend…

Philosophizing aside, this is really lighter than what most of us consider strong morning tea. Each element is pretty gentle on its own, but good, and just enough rosiness to make it genteel. Recommended for good china and an afternoon chin-wag with a buddy.

Jim Marks

Chin. Wag. Theater!!!

As much as I like trying new teas, dipping into a cup of a tried and true stand by is what makes life worth living.

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drank Peppermint by Lipton
3010 tasting notes

Not my favorite peppermint by far, but handy during the day. Hoping it does something to lighten a wicked headache.

Just curious — best headache-cure tea you ’ve encountered?


Sleep is the only thing that works for me. If it’s a stress headache, maybe try some relaxing herbs like chamomile or lavender. Feel better.


I was going to say the same as Mercuryhime – closing my eyes for sometimes as little as 15 minutes can get rid of a headache for me. I try to do that and if it doesn’t work – advil or aleve. It usually does not come to taking medicine, though!


I’m overbudget on the pharmaceuticals of late; been alternating peppermint with chamomile and it may be lightening just a tetch. Lavender bath sounds nice…that may have to go on the evening agenda.


I’m with Mercuryhime and JacquelineM sleep is a huge help if you can get it. Peppermint oil on you temples, a hot bath, and DAVIDsTEA Mother’s Little Helper has worked for me in the past. (((Suck it headache hugs)))


Sleep is always good. But I’ve made my own mix of spearmint and chamomile and I prefer the spearmint to peppermint. It helps (using it to wash down a little advil never hurt either). Hope you feel better.

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Have mentioned before that this one isn’t painfully tart, but it’s sharp enough to help cut the crud that’s been lodged in my head for about a week. When you really concentrate on finding the apple flavor, you can find it…definitely a Granny Smith, not a Red Delicious.

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Yankee Candle has come up with a clever marketing trick this Christmas; they’ve packaged candles to evoke the scents of everything from “My Favorite Things” (Sound of Music, which even though it talks about packaging and mittens, I still have trouble associating with Christmas.)

Anyway, this tea fits the “bright copper kettles” lyric. Not metallic in taste, that sounds unpleasant; but clear and sharp. The rose petals add a little sweetness that makes further sugar unneccessary.

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Another treat from JacquelineM with a blissful unscheduled couple of hours to enjoy it in. Decadence.

Interesting to read all the adjectives that folks have used to describe this one - winey, leather, pine, orchid, fruity…and what’s funny is that they are all somewhat accurate. My addition to the adjectival kaleidoscope is this: it tastes what my mom’s wedding cedar chest (our coffee table at House that Was) smelled like when you opened itl.

Pick a flavor. It’ll be in there. And you’ll probably like it.

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drank Tiramisu by DAVIDsTEA
3010 tasting notes

So we always buy way too much Halloween candy, accidentally of course, and I wanted something that would blend nicely with a fun-size Mounds or two.

This really is a nice, thick, caramelly, cake-y dessert alternative. Nice with dairy, nice on its own.

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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