Keemun 3 Monkey Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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From Culinary Teas

Of all the Chinese black teas the ones most familiar to the West are commonly called ‘congou teas.’ The two principal divisions are north China congou and south China congou. The north China congous – from the provinces of Kiangsu, Anhui and Hunan were all typical English breakfast style teas. The most famous of these congous are the keemuns. The 3 Monkey Keemun though not the best keemun produced (the best keemun is grade Hoa Ya A) is noted for its excellent value and deep rich flavor. The aroma of 3 Monkey is somewhat difficult to describe. One is tempted to describe the subtle scents with that of long unopened jewelry boxes, with hints of incense or distant pine.

The Chinese say that the bouquet of 3 Monkey is like the perfume of an orchid and the less poetic will say that it is like toast hot from the oven. It has been suggested that the reason 3 Monkey is a classic English breakfast tea is that its fragrance is brought out by the addition of milk.)

In any event the thick reddish liquor from the fine, tightly rolled leaves of this superb tea have a deep, rich concentrated flavor, reminiscent of the fine qualities of Burgundy wine. Keemun is the best-keeping of China black teas and will keep for years, and if well stored take on a mellow winy character

Hot tea brewing method : Bring freshly drawn cold water to a rolling boil. Place 1 teaspoon of tea for each cup into the teapot. Pour the boiling water into the teapot. Cover and let steep for 3-7 minutes according to taste (the longer the steeping time the stronger the tea). Milk and a dash of sugar help capture the complex nature of this tea, but it is also perfectly acceptable to consume this tea ‘straight-up’.

Iced tea brewing method : (to make 1 liter/quart): Place 6 teaspoons of tea into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher. Pour 1 1/4 cups of freshly boiled water over the tea, steep for 5 minutes. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water. Pour the tea into your serving pitcher straining the leaves. Add ice and top-up the pitcher with cold water. Garnish and sweeten to taste. [A rule of thumb when preparing fresh brewed iced tea is to double the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted with cold water]. Please note that this tea may tend to go cloudy or ‘milky’ when poured over ice; a perfectly normal characteristic of some high quality black teas and nothing to worry about!

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13 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

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YAY! Steepster is faster! Woot! I hope to be back full time and hard core if this continues to work well for me!!! Thanks Steepster Gurus!

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3010 tasting notes

Undermeasured a little this morning (oversized Tervis mug) so this didn’t come out a strongly as I’d intended. However, in doing so, I hit the fruity end of the flavor spectrum. A little grape-juicy. Works well on a sunny spring morning.

Happy Mother’s Day to those of you with chicks in your nest. My mom will get to spend her day at home after more than a month of hospitals and nursing home care; we’re praying it’ll be a peaceful one. May you be reminded all day of what clever, phenomenally unique, and pretty-doggone-thoughtful children you have.

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4843 tasting notes

This is a very good Keemun. It has a nice depth of flavor that ranges from a warm, yeasty baked bread kind of flavor, to a hint of earthiness and leather, and then there is this smoked, aged wood sort of flavor that you’d expect from an aged liquor. I don’t really have much experience with liquor, so, I don’t know what that would taste like, exactly, but this is what I would think it would have … like something that has been cured and smoked and aged with care.

A good, stout Keemun. Not as smoky as some I’ve tried, but then again, a bit smokier than some others… I would think that this would make a fine Keemun for those who are less familiar with some of the nuances of Keemun, to get them acquainted with the various profiles that Keemun has to offer.

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150 tasting notes

Keemum 3 Monkey is a very interesting tea. I like my black teas smoky and this Keemum has a lovely subtle smokiness. The Culinary Teas website mentions that this tea has been said to have an aroma of a long unopened jewelry box with hints of incense. This is not an appetizing description, but I totally get it because there’s an almost cedar aroma and essence to it. The flavor overall is subtle for a black tea with a medium body and low-ish astringency. And it’s bread-y or rather toasty and cocoa-y… weird but good.

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1112 tasting notes

Doulton, once again, thank you for this tea!!!!

I am completely enamored of this tea. I’m having it with milk and sugar, as the blurb on the Culinary Teas site suggests, and POW. Right through the heart. Love at first sip. It tastes like excellent tea and wine and incense in the best way possible. Faintest spiced wine and really good true tea. I finished my cup alarmingly fast, but the flavor is lingering in my mouth in the most pleasurable way. Mmmmm!

I am amazed that 4 oz of this tea only costs $8! This is one of those rich and unique ones that I was almost afraid to look up, because I thought it would surely be at least $20 for 4oz. I have an ounce of it, but it is sooooooo getting ordered when I’m nearly done! I’ve never perused the Culinary Teas website before and holy moly, they have so many teas that are attracting me – better to not look – I AM on a lockdown! :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

You can’t beat Culinary Teas’ inexpensive sample packets!

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47 tasting notes

This tea is soothing and delicious. I’m definitely tasting that dreamy incense flavor, as well as dark red wine and cacao. there is also a pleasing floral note. I’m also getting a flavor I can only describe as ‘leather’, one that I’ve had before in similar black teas. Truly, it’s ‘leather’ in the best possible way! This is a quality cup.

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