When I took my first sniff, I got so much sweet-vanilla-cream scent I was afraid something else had scented it. (It was in a little zip-lock sample; my storage facilities at Shabby House aren’t the greatest.)
I think this tea has some of the biggest leaves, steeped, I’ve ever seen. And the creamy-sweet wasn’t an accident … that’s just the nature of this stuff. Still pretty astringent (cream and pucker are an odd combination, eh?) but really, really good! I have to apologize because my care packages have gotten a little mixed…OK, a lot jumbled…but my thanks to the kind donor! (Doulton, I think!)
I got some of this in a silver pouch from Quiltguppy, but I am saving until I can have a virtual tea party via Skype with Sandy since she was just in NZ for six months and went to the plantation for tea. It has been very hard to hold off drinking it.
I got some of this in a silver pouch from Quiltguppy, but I am saving until I can have a virtual tea party via Skype with Sandy since she was just in NZ for six months and went to the plantation for tea. It has been very hard to hold off drinking it.
May willpower prevail!