OK, I haven’t tried this, but it seemed like a fair place to post the beginnings of a backyard experiment. We have honeysuckle in bloom. LOTS of it. Copious amounts of it. Husband did a little research about the appropriate way to harvest and dry, so we’re going to attempt a little home alchemy to see if we can make our own blend-in. I’ll let you know if it’s a disaster!
That is so exciting. Please keep us posted. I absolutely LOVE honeysuckle. Never have had it in drink form though. Would be rather curious of comes of your experiment.
I tried this last year. It did not go well – very bitter with none of the sweet aroma I had imagined. I hope your experience is much more satisfying.
That is so exciting. Please keep us posted. I absolutely LOVE honeysuckle. Never have had it in drink form though. Would be rather curious of comes of your experiment.
Apparently the flowers are good in salads – but don’t quote me on that one.
I tried this last year. It did not go well – very bitter with none of the sweet aroma I had imagined. I hope your experience is much more satisfying.
24 hours in, and they’re just kind of limp and wilty. The scent is strong when I scoop up a handful. Advice we found said to dry for 3 weeks; and as rainy and humid as it’s been in our environs, it may take till August to dry the blossoms out!