The Mount of Olives varieties I’ve tried up to this point have been surprisingly nice. This one doesn’t live up to the standard, but only because I am not a licorice fan. They’ve used it as sweetener in an otherwise nice chamomile and now I feel like somebody’s rubbed a glue stick on my tongue!
3 min, 30 sec
Oh, no! I didn’t know licorice was in this. A friend at work gave me a bunch of this to try. I may have to open it tonight to see how bad it is!
Oh, no! I didn’t know licorice was in this. A friend at work gave me a bunch of this to try. I may have to open it tonight to see how bad it is!
why do people toss licorice in everything :(
Wish I knew! (I’m not a big sweetener fan in general.)
The same reason they put hibiscus in everything, I guess.