This was on my “restock” list at the natural/indie grocery store and I had to have help finding it because it’s been relabeled and retitled as “Ancient Infusions” brand. Sorry, distributors, I liked the Ozark-y, mountainy name better.
Thankfully, however, the formulation has not changed. It’s still good, straight-up strong sassafras concentrate. Root beer without the sugar; no caffeine. I diluted some in a quart jar to chill for outdoor work this afternoon, and put a shot from that jar in my half-cooled mug of Assam. Good stuff.
derk, you probably did. I lived just outside of Cincinnati between ten and eleven years ago, and I recall seeing it in several local grocery stores. It was also commonly available throughout at least the Eastern half of Kentucky up until very recently. I don’t think I’ve seen it since either 2017 or 2018 though.
I feel like I saw this in Ohio 15 years ago.
derk, you probably did. I lived just outside of Cincinnati between ten and eleven years ago, and I recall seeing it in several local grocery stores. It was also commonly available throughout at least the Eastern half of Kentucky up until very recently. I don’t think I’ve seen it since either 2017 or 2018 though.
I think I was still seeing it as “Pappy’s” on some of our mainline grocery store shelves (SW MO) as late as last summer…and frankly, was a little surprised to see it there since it’s such a tea nerd item.