What wimps we are. Storms again (sigh); this time just wicked lightning and torrential rain—5" in 2 hours, give or take, power out for 2; Internet out for several; you’da thunk it was the end of the world. So hard up for entertainment, I was reduced to tying newspaper scraps to string and teasing Tazo with them. (He is still officially an outdoor cat, but I needed a diversion desperately.)

So grateful for a “normal” morning, a functional heating source, and decent tea. This one has been hard to pin down. Decent, but not stellar; something a little sweet and cedar-y or raisiny going on, too. May be the first entry in my “Junk Yard” tin I intend to start.


You do realize that you have already passed several steps in the “the cat is an outdoor cat only” path to having an indoor cat… :)


Should we start a pool on when she admits Tazo moved indoors? Giving gmathis the benefit of the doubt, I take the first snowy day. :)


Only if I get a cut for providing the entertainment. Hubby’s allergies and my general aversion to litter box cleaning both pretty strong deterrents :)


Yeah. My husband is allergic, too. Have I mentioned my 2 cats? :)

Terri HarpLady

I’m allergic to cats & I also have 2

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You do realize that you have already passed several steps in the “the cat is an outdoor cat only” path to having an indoor cat… :)


Should we start a pool on when she admits Tazo moved indoors? Giving gmathis the benefit of the doubt, I take the first snowy day. :)


Only if I get a cut for providing the entertainment. Hubby’s allergies and my general aversion to litter box cleaning both pretty strong deterrents :)


Yeah. My husband is allergic, too. Have I mentioned my 2 cats? :)

Terri HarpLady

I’m allergic to cats & I also have 2

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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