Azzrian, this makes me smile simply because of the name. My Uncle Charlie, long gone, called me Sprout. He was almost as wide as he was tall, had these nifty teeny little cups that were just right for my four-year-old hands and had a Japanese lady’s face in the bottom when you held them up to the light. He told me the little tiny cups were for a drink called sake, and when I asked what it was my mom said, “That’s enough.” She also said “that’s enough” when we drove with Uncle Charlie and he swore at the other drivers. So he switched from English to German. I didn’t get it either way, but whatever he said was much cooler sounding in German!
On to this lovely yellow tea: I peeked at previous reviews to get proper time/temp hints and saw lovely, soft, luxurious words: Silky. Buttery. Creamy. Absolutely on all three counts. Sweet wheat cereal flavor, but the best thing about this one is its satiny texture. Talk about a tea that kisses you plumb on the lips—this is it!
aweee thats sweet :) So happy you liked it too!