(Afraid to say this very loudly for fear of jinxing it…) It feels like almost-fall outside! 60 degrees when I sat outside for my first cup. So in honor of the weather, I pulled out an oldie that I associate with cooler temps.
I think I under-leafed or understeeped, the smoke/leather flavor this is most tagged with is only barely detectible. Still drinkable—just lots of room to beef it up. Next time.
That sounds blissful! We made it down to 69F and the humidity is lower than it has been, so even though it doesn’t feel like fall, it feels better than last week!
Drought has killed off so many tree leaves, it looks like early October in our neighborhood. We’re still dangerously dry and praying for rain, but the cooler temps are wonderful.
That sounds blissful! We made it down to 69F and the humidity is lower than it has been, so even though it doesn’t feel like fall, it feels better than last week!
Drought has killed off so many tree leaves, it looks like early October in our neighborhood. We’re still dangerously dry and praying for rain, but the cooler temps are wonderful.
Wasn’t it lovely this morning??? Our yard looks like autumn as well. :(