Good Young Tea Co./Traditions Strawberry Black Tea + home grown spearmint = ahhhhhh!
Anybody besides me missing hot tea, and the weather-related need for it? I’m not counting my solitary morning cuppa, which during this hot spell, is just a scrap of something I don’t mind going cold after the first half cup.
However, like many of you, this weather is providing opportunities to discover umpty-six different fridge-brewed combos that are balm to my chicken-fried soul.
This is one of them. A good friend set me up with a Disney Cars zip-lock bag of crumbled spearmint from her backyard. Did an experimental pint jar with a teaspoon of mint to a single bag of my current favorite Asian-grocery brand strawberry tea. Never had a mint julep, but that’s what comes to mind as I imbibe. The pint may turn into a gallon jug this afternoon :)
I’m just realizing… I may be alone in this boat, but even during the winter I don’t drink my tea until it’s only luke-warm. :)
Kwinter you are not alone. I like it warm to room temperature. So my idea of hot tea is cold to most of Steepsterdom. On the plus side I get to enjoy it year round. Yeah!
For me it depends on the tea because some are just better room temp. My hubby keeps the house so cold with the AC here that I can drink hot tea even in summer with no worries.
Many teas, especially oolongs, taste best to me when they have cooled for a while. So you are not alone!
I’m just realizing… I may be alone in this boat, but even during the winter I don’t drink my tea until it’s only luke-warm. :)
Kwinter you are not alone. I like it warm to room temperature. So my idea of hot tea is cold to most of Steepsterdom. On the plus side I get to enjoy it year round. Yeah!
For me it depends on the tea because some are just better room temp. My hubby keeps the house so cold with the AC here that I can drink hot tea even in summer with no worries.
Many teas, especially oolongs, taste best to me when they have cooled for a while. So you are not alone!
I too like to let my tea really cool down before I drink it. :D
I drink hot tea year-round. I find it helps me cool down on hot days. But a good iced tea is heaven in a jug.
And as for letting it cool to where you like it: go, girl. It’s your cuppa.