I love it when I try a new tea (or in this case, one I haven’t had for a long time) and my initial taste descriptor actually shows up on the tea description. I live for affirmation.
In this case, said descriptor was mineral. In a good way. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of cupping your hands and lapping up water from a spring so cold it makes your hands and toes ache, this might be close.
Also has a sweetness that I didn’t expect; but I’m still a pu-erh rookie.
Just another reason I continue to be amazed at how one humble plant can be coaxed, flavored, steamed, aged, rolled, and fried into so many gazillion lovely permutations.
This is a good one. I almost had it yesterday. Your last comment I share completely and it is why most of my ratings are pretty high for relatively inexpensive (for the most part anyway) tea. It isn’t based on expertise just appreciation.