Not really a combination of anything, but it doesn’t fit a brand name, either. Enjoying peppermint tea from my very own Peppermint Patty Plant…all the more special because the plant start(s) are the only living things we were able to salvage from House that Was. Kept them in a pot, coddled them on the porch of Shabby House, dragged them in and out of frost, and babied them all winter in a makeshift greenhouse (clear plastic tub turned upside down).
I’m not horticulturally savvy enough to know how many, if there are multiple, varieties of peppermint there are. This isn’t as strong as the professionally dried leaves I can purchase, but still very pleasant and cooling to the palate. Of course, I’m sentimentally prejudiced.
You must be proud : )
I have a long-standing reputation as a potted plant killer…stuff in the ground I can keep alive. Credit for this one really goes to my sweet husband, who coddled Patty more than a housepet.