Usually, I add milk as the “whipped cream and a cherry on top,” not as an essential ingredient, but this one continues to be strong and dark and acidic enough it just needs a little softening. But for BBB lovers, it’s definitely one to add to your library.
The caffeine kick is welcome. Word count goal for the day is a little daunting. Just 2100 words, but they need to be constructive and comprehensible to fourth graders. Grade level thesaurus, Tommy Emmanuel on Pandora … here we go!
Changed the channel on Pandora, and I believe I have a new favorite ever…Barenaked Ladies children’s albums! I’m singing “Rainbow Connection” with the Dixie Chicks right now. (Has absolutely nothing to do with my choice of beverage, but I know some of you would appreciate that!)
The Barenaked Ladies children’s songs are ridiculously awesome. You could also check out They Might Be Giant’s, they have actually put out three or four children’s cds now (Science and No! are the highlights in my head).
And, if you’re looking for something a little more wacky, you could check out the Dino-5 album, Baby Loves Hip Hop. It aims for sub-school-age children though, but quite amusing. A sample, courtesy of Amazon:
Enjoy :)
Oh, yeah—when I taught kids’ choir a few years ago, their special “fun” treat was singing “Vi-O-LIN, LIN, LIN!” at the top of their lungs. Appreciate the leads…my baby is now 18, so I’m a little rusty on preschool culture.
Haha, I wouldn’t have mentioned if it I couldn’t tell the story. :) Basically I am a huge fan and have been to enough concerts that the bassist (Danny) noticed me and the dinosaur t-shirts I used to wear to shows. One time he asked me and I said that I was a paleontologist, and he said that his son loves dinosaurs and wants to be one as well. We had a short conversation about paleontology, and when he saw me he would ask how it was going. Fast forward several years and I hear he has written a song called “I am a Paleontologist”. When I finally got to see them again I of course told him I liked the song and he said “I was thinking about you when I wrote it.” Total fan nirvana.
Another interesting fact is that Danny is trained as a physical therapist, and actually went to PT school at the school where I am a grad student. My department (Anatomy) teaches human gross anatomy to the PT students (among others), so it was funny talk about our faculty who he remembers teaching it!
Changed the channel on Pandora, and I believe I have a new favorite ever…Barenaked Ladies children’s albums! I’m singing “Rainbow Connection” with the Dixie Chicks right now. (Has absolutely nothing to do with my choice of beverage, but I know some of you would appreciate that!)
The Barenaked Ladies children’s songs are ridiculously awesome. You could also check out They Might Be Giant’s, they have actually put out three or four children’s cds now (Science and No! are the highlights in my head).
And, if you’re looking for something a little more wacky, you could check out the Dino-5 album, Baby Loves Hip Hop. It aims for sub-school-age children though, but quite amusing. A sample, courtesy of Amazon:
Enjoy :)
Oh, yeah—when I taught kids’ choir a few years ago, their special “fun” treat was singing “Vi-O-LIN, LIN, LIN!” at the top of their lungs. Appreciate the leads…my baby is now 18, so I’m a little rusty on preschool culture.
BNL’s 7-8-9 is one of my all time favourite songs they did!
Fun fact: TMBG’s “I am a Paleontologist” song on Here Comes Science was written about me!
We are in the presence of a celebrity! How cool is that! (Would love to hear the backstory.)
That’s awesome Dinosara, we definitely need to hear the story!
Ditto on the backstory! :) We love BNL and TMBG!
Assuming that we’re not being horribly nosy and prying into your life, of course ;)
Even if we are horribly nosy we still want to here it.
I second the, “I want to hear the story!”
Haha, I wouldn’t have mentioned if it I couldn’t tell the story. :) Basically I am a huge fan and have been to enough concerts that the bassist (Danny) noticed me and the dinosaur t-shirts I used to wear to shows. One time he asked me and I said that I was a paleontologist, and he said that his son loves dinosaurs and wants to be one as well. We had a short conversation about paleontology, and when he saw me he would ask how it was going. Fast forward several years and I hear he has written a song called “I am a Paleontologist”. When I finally got to see them again I of course told him I liked the song and he said “I was thinking about you when I wrote it.” Total fan nirvana.
Another interesting fact is that Danny is trained as a physical therapist, and actually went to PT school at the school where I am a grad student. My department (Anatomy) teaches human gross anatomy to the PT students (among others), so it was funny talk about our faculty who he remembers teaching it!
Love it—had to go round it up on YouTube for a listen!
Haha, that’s pretty awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Yes thanks for sharing! Interesting tidbit up there.
Too cool!