Marty Stuart, Ricky Skaggs and Rhonda Vincent singing gospel on PBS … the world would be a happier place if there were just more good bluegrass.
OK, that had nothing to do with this note, but I just needed to say it.
The obvious accompaniment to that high lonesome sound would be a big ol’ glass of southern swee’tea, but it’s cold and clammy outside (oh, wait—the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band—hang on!)
(musical interlude)
…we now rejoin this broadcast to say that I really like this stuff; the ability of the preparers to wring butterscotch out of a green tea amazes me. And because I really like this stuff, I am a little disappointed that it behaves a little on the finicky side—needs attention-to-thermometer-detail. I’m too wishy-washy and loosey-goosey and ADD to prepare it with the care it deserves…oh, look, it’s Mark Lowry and Guy Penrod singing backup….!
Waaaah! Loosey-goosey was my nickname for Lucy, the little dog we fostered. Sniff. Sniff.
A friend told me she had something terrible to confess. Her husband had started listening to…and she hung her head as she told me…BLUEGRASS! And she thought that as a classically trained musician I would look down from my great height of 5’3" (almost) in disdain. She was so embarrassed. She was pretty shocked when I told her I have wailed out the chorus of Rocky Top more than once with friends.
You had me with Nitty Gritty Dirt Band…was going to switch over to PBS until I saw the “about 2 hours ago” part : ) Dating myself here, but had to go to youtube to get a Mr. Bojangles fix.
Waaaah! Loosey-goosey was my nickname for Lucy, the little dog we fostered. Sniff. Sniff.
A friend told me she had something terrible to confess. Her husband had started listening to…and she hung her head as she told me…BLUEGRASS! And she thought that as a classically trained musician I would look down from my great height of 5’3" (almost) in disdain. She was so embarrassed. She was pretty shocked when I told her I have wailed out the chorus of Rocky Top more than once with friends.
You had me with Nitty Gritty Dirt Band…was going to switch over to PBS until I saw the “about 2 hours ago” part : ) Dating myself here, but had to go to youtube to get a Mr. Bojangles fix.
Tell your friend to hold her head high, put on a Darlin’ Brothers episode of Andy Griffith, pick a harmony line, rear back, and belt out a chorus of “Dooley” with pride! (That ’un always makes me cry.)