We all have our reasons for morning tea selections, some sensible, some a little less so—today, I had a wicked sore in my mouth and needed something that would be compatible with a jawful of Orajel.
Don’t know why this seemed to be the one, but it’s been gentle and non-acidic and a little fruit-juicy this morning. (My previous note called it “cereally;” either the goop has really flipped out my taste buds or it’s just an all-purpose breakfast Darjeeling.)
You can swish Pepto-Bismol or chew the tablets and spit it out to make a soothing coating to relieve the pain for awhile. It can make your tongue turn black sometimes, though, but that is harmless. Oh how I detest mouth sores! They are so painful!
You can swish Pepto-Bismol or chew the tablets and spit it out to make a soothing coating to relieve the pain for awhile. It can make your tongue turn black sometimes, though, but that is harmless. Oh how I detest mouth sores! They are so painful!
Never heard that one…this is CVS house brand and isn’t too nasty.