If you’ve seen any of my findings on the “Chance Combinations” string, you’ll know that tea blending isn’t my forte. I can’t cook, either. So I’ll leave the blending to those of you with a knack for it and I’ll just wax poetic about what you do.
Therefore, some waxing is in order for this tasty custom Adagio blend by our own keenteathyme.
Most people make an “autumn” sensory connection with spices, which is traditional and fine. But autumn for me is thick, heavy air that brushes your face when you walk through it and the deep, finished smell of wet leaves. This blend makes me feel like I’m rolling in the leaf pile :)
My taste buds are learning the difference between rooibos and honeybush…to me, honeybush is a little mellower. So it makes a sweet and solid base for the hazelnut, chocolate, and vanilla. I had my first cup straight up and it was great; I’m thinking a little milk could only improve its cozy desserty-ness. And decaf to boot—-this was a really nice evening treat.