I wasn’t sure what to expect with this matcha. There’s actually several different coffee matchas to choose from on the website. This one called to me because I know Kona coffees tend to be more expensive and less astringent. I admit I don’t have much experience with it because I’m not a coffee connoisseur. I always end up adding cream and sugar to it. Lol.
I was hesitant with this matcha, but opening the package it smells delicious!!! It has a coffee taste but there’s also some creamy notes and smooth notes as well. It definitely smells like a fresh cup of coffee.
I prepared this in a water bottle, which might sound crazy since coffee is usually hot, but I really do like iced coffee over hot. Also, I just generally like my matchas colder in general.
It is wonderful cold. The coffee flavor comes through and there is some roasted notes and coffee flavoring. It almost tastes like I’m eating a bean over more so just drinking a cup of coffee. Have you ever had a chocolate covered espresso bean? It’s a lot like that, minus the chocolate.
Definitely one of my favorite matchas, especially if you like coffee.
You can buy this matcha here:
still so undecided on all these coffee matchas. I was thinking i might blend the coffee and the caramel tonight and wee how that works
still so undecided on all these coffee matchas. I was thinking i might blend the coffee and the caramel tonight and wee how that works
My daughter might need this one. She is drinking about five times more matcha than I am!
I’ve been thinking about this one…might have to pull the trigger and buy it…THANKS…teehee…