Following 157 Tea Drinkers

Anna 188 followers

I’m going to try all the teas. Then I will choose a lucky few perfect specime...

TeaVivre 545 followers

Hello, I am Angel Chen, a tea taster and tea ceremony specialist comes from F...

caile 243 followers

Love of tea. Raw puerh, oolong. Likes: bitter/sweet Dislikes: seaweed

Scheherazade 264 followers

Hi :) I’m Sarah, and I live in Norfolk in the UK. My tea obsession began when...

TeaKlutz 96 followers

The name’s Holly. 27. Work for a small IT company. About to finish a Master’s...

Dexter 325 followers

C.S. Lewis – “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enou...

Rosehips 189 followers

I love tea! I confess that I was a hot chocolate lover for most of my life, b...

Roswell Strange 614 followers

Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros ...

MissB 277 followers

A few years ago, the obsession with tea started. The cupboard got bigger and ...

Shelley_Lorraine 118 followers

Name: Shelley Lorraine Limegrover Location: Livingston, MT Hobbies: Learning,...
