230 Tasting Notes
I tried to do two steeps of this one.. umm contrary to popular belief pu’erhs are not meant to be steeped more than once – or maybe this one is not of the right quality?
Either way, this tea is yet another that I will want to purchase more of, the cinnamon was sweetened by pu’erh tea and not as intense as the name suggested, but so yummyI think I inhaled rather than sipped and savoured this one!
This one is another of my 10g purchase and I think I just might go back for more of this one!!
I also noticed this would be a pretty one to watch unfurl (or steep) in a glass bodum or clear glass tea pot as the leaves really open up as they steep. I should mention I almost passed on purchasing some of this because it had that mouldy grass scent that makes my stomach go BLECK and my face to pinch, but after a second sniff, I realised it was more sweet than mouldy.
Steeped it makes me think of orange pekoe in a way and I want to add cream to it and curl up with a book rather than go to work this morning. But alas one must do just that.
There is an astringency that I am learning to notice and it is not overly unpleasant, this is defiantly a tea that is going on the “Must buy more of” list, but I have to make it through all these other teas I have first.
Hello, my name is Erin, and I have a compulsive tea purchasing habit, it has been merely 12hrs since I last purchased tea…
Hey, we are here to support and encourage this addiction. If you feel the need to purchase tea, I’ll sit down with you! (well, if I ever swing by your area haha)
How about we call the group T.E.A. – tea enthusiasts anonymous. And we HAVE to serve tea at the meetings :)
Now about this Nepal tea, tell me, does it taste a little bit like a Darjeeling? I bought a Nepalese tea (different vendor) and it was very similar in character to a Darjeeling. Sadly, I don’t like Darjeeling, and so this tea was not for me.
I am not sure, it smells similar, but I think the taste is more orange pekoe, but that is about all I have tasted. Darjeelings smell like mouldy grass to me and so I have yet to actually try one.
Ummm, I am glad I only bought 10g of this, it smells mostly Rooibos and I want to say honeybush, but I am not sure. There is no raspberry scent or taste, but I have yet to sip this tea, I am waiting for it to cool.
bleck! I just took this out of the freezer (attempt at flash cooling) all I can taste and smell is red rooibos… No sweet and tart raspberry.
Yeah that was my impression of this tea too. I’m not sure why raspberry is in the name if you can’t even taste it. :(
Maybe I got a batch that has been on the shelf too long? But I bought it at a DAVIDs that has been only open a month, so that does not make sense..
I think that they just missed the mark on this one. I have such a huge respect for DAVID’s Tea, but every company has a dud once in awhile.
I bought this one and have always felt fuped. I occasionally get a lemongrass taste (if I remember correctly) but otherwise it’s just rooibos. I have learned in the last little while that if you are disappointed with a tea and bring it back in and tell them so, you get either a trade or a refund. Now, 10 g may seem like a small amount to haggle over but since I had bought a full tin of it I wish I had known way back when. : (
ps – I can’t believe this one has never been discontinued..I don’t know anyone that truly enjoys it, yet my favourites disappear regularly!
I only purchased 10g of this today, as I am noticing I have a lot of teas in my cupboard from DAVIDs that seem to get forgotten or lost simply because they are not my “cup of tea” (pardon the pun)
This one smells like a coffee lovers dream come true, if they were ever to branch out from coffee. I have the cream in the fridge in case this one needs a little help. I also should mention that I only put in a tsp of this tea into a T-sac, as I find most of DAVIDs teas are slightly over powering in flavours. I have just enough left that if I need that other 1/4 tsp for the next cup it will be there.
The tea makes me think of Sunday afternoons reading a book on my Kobo while rain pelts the window behind my reading chair.
More on the taste after it finishes steeping.
I don’t quite taste the chocolate or caramel notes, but this is a tea I will certainly place on my purchase list, I will need more of this one. I might add a little cream just to see how it plays with the chocolate and caramel notes in the tea.
I am slowly running out of luscious watermelon, and when I pulled this off the shelf I thought watermelon, goji, watermelon, goji, WATERMELON and GOJI!! So I happily put one perfect scoop of luscious watermelon and one perfect scoop of goji pop into my basket, and my oh my!
I could smell the sweetness of the watermelon complimenting the sharp vitamin c of the goji and could not wait to “taste the rainbow” – taste the rainbow I did. I sometimes fine Goji Pop to taste like freshy before the sweetener is added and yet with the luscious watermelon there was enough sweet to not need any agave.
Mmmm, and no prizes in my steeped fruit this time…. ;o)
omg, OMG, OMG!!! Oh My God!!
I waltzed into DAVIDs today with the intent of buying 10g of 10 teas that I am not 100% sure I will be crazy for right off, and this was the tea I purchased as my “to-go” tea and why I did not get 100g+ to take home with me I do not know! I have yet to meet a tea at DAVIDs that has papaya in it that I did not like.
This will be on my permanent shelf for when I want something cold to drink, that does not have the incredibly high sugars of juice.
Last sip…. Oooooo, my GAWD!
It is really good, REALLY good, and since I am trying to break my Crystal Light habit (Bad me, BAD!) this is better than crystal light and twice as tasty.
You are some kind of evil tea genius! The flavor combo totally makes sense and I can’t wait to mix some up.
I think this one would work with Lemonade if I were to serve it to children, but no Crystal Light, I am trying to get away from “Chemicals in a bottle”
It is time to add this to the shopping list again, it is the only bagged tea I allow into the house (other than my hubby’s beloved Tetley)
I think I am “enjoying” the insomnia side effects of the medications I took last night, for today’s blood work. So now I am sipping this and hoping it is just what I need to tip me into bed and sleep. I can hear my hubby in the other room gently “breathing” away, and I want to join him, I truly do…
Damn you body!
I feel your pain – I’m having my own bout of insomnia tonight while listening to my husband gently “breathe” in the other room.
aw, I hope you get some Zzzzs by the time you read this! I hate wanting to sleep but not being able to. (and bloodwork. ouch)
So I am not a chamomile fan, but I am a little leary of my new package of Goji Pop and I need something to bring me out of my funk, something red and bright and happy, so I reached for this.
I am hoping I can sip-sip away my (Please God let it be true) last day of blood work!
We shall see, I will be back.
I’m sending you calming/ supportive vibes. Blood work can be so stressful! Do you fear you may find another “friend” in your Goji Pop? I’m off to sift through mine again… just to be safe :)
I doubt there will be another friend in Goji Pop. Thank-you for the vibes, I’ll need them more if I get the answers I anticipate, either that or my family DR will need to go into hiding! “You’re healthy Erin, it’s all in your head” (riiiiiight!)
Vibes are very hippiesque, but I figure no harm can come of someone thinking positive thoughts about you. I want it to all be in your head so that you’ll be well, but I know how frustrating it is to feel unwell with no explanation. So, maybe you could just be a little crazy and they could give you a pill for that. I’m kidding! ((((hugs))))
After the mishap with Goji Pop, I still had lemonade made that was waiting for an extra summery kick, I added some Luscious Watermelon… The verdict is still out, but here is the set-up.
I prepped a jug of Crystal Light (I know groan) Lemonade (or Chemicals in a Jug), I always add an extra half litre of water.
In a 2 cup wet measure cup I put in 4 heaping (perfect) scoops of tea, pour on boiling water and let steep. Add to lemonade after it had cooled, and some twisted leaves of lemon mint…
Wait for it, wait for it….
Mmmmm!! I wish I could share!!
I don’t think David’s pu-erh blends are a good representation of pu-erh in general. When you’re resteeping this, you’re also counting on the black tea and spices to stay strong in the next cup. If you get your hands on 100% pu-erh, it is good to try a series of short resteeps.
Didn’t they discontinue this one? Or am I thinking of something else?
They discontinued their Caravan Earl Grey, which was a pu-erh, if that’s what you’re thinking of. Cinnamon Heart is still available online?
Maybe. I know I saw a list somewhere of the discontinued teas but I have no idea where that was so maybe I was dreaming that this one was on it. Wish they would have one though. I hate finding one I really like and then not being able to get it again.
Me too. A simple announcement would be nice.
Though I am not educated enough with pu’erhs, DMTea, I think (you are right) should I find a REAL Pu’erh I will have a better experience with re-steeping.