I did not smell the leaves before I bought this one, because I knew I would loose my nerve and turn up my nose in disgust and look for something that pleases my olfactory sense better, so I ordered 100g (knowing co-workers and family LOVES this tea) and went home to steep this one, but ended up waiting until this morning. (Window shopping without any intent to buy wears me out, it is a useless activity wit no real end result)
This morning as it was steeping I found myself pleasantly enveloped in citrus and vanilla. I went with a slightly cooler water, and an exact 4 minutes steep time. Mmmm, this was palpable, although I did find the finish tough to savour at first. To the point that the next time the husband calls to ask what I want from the store I will eagerly say: “Cream please”
This is a note worthy tea and with some practice and perfecting has the potential to become another weekend treat, Vanilla just does not seem like a day-in-day-out kinda thing…