I love fiddling with this solid, basic green tea. I also love a good, hot cup of green tea when it starts to get cool out and that inevitable not-feeling-quite-so-well time comes.

I had already tried mixing in a bit of fresh dried mint leaves into this one, which worked wonderfully. So I did that again, this time also adding a bit of honey.

First, the good: Flavor is great. The Celadon Pearl base is just strong enough to shine through the bite of the mint leaves and the sweet of the honey. Can’t beat that super smooth, almost creamy feel with the honey, and the sweet but still a bit tangy taste with the mint leaves. Clears up the sinuses and soothes the throat faster than even Theraflu can do!

Now, the needed improvements: 3 tablespoons of Celadon Pearl to 3 dried mint leaves to 1 tablespoon of honey in the 32 ounce Bodum Assam teapot needs to reshaping. Fresh mint leaves, home dried hanging in my room, are just too potent. Needs a bit more honey and less mint in the mix. Next time I’ll keep the 3 tablespoons of Celadon Pearl, go down to 2 mint leaves, and up to 1.5 tablespoons of honey.

That should do the trick.

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 45 sec 9 tsp 32 OZ / 946 ML

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