Could you talk to me I am curious about this led free tea business. I had led poisoning from coco beans and now I don’t want it in my tea. Btw if you ever get led poisoning I used a vitamin supplement to get it out of my system. You could share it with people. Also could you tell me if it’s true that there are no such thing as led free tea? No one should trust any brand that gives their test results anyway. They could lie
Could you talk to me I am curious about this led free tea business. I had led poisoning from coco beans and now I don’t want it in my tea. Btw if you ever get led poisoning I used a vitamin supplement to get it out of my system. You could share it with people. Also could you tell me if it’s true that there are no such thing as led free tea? No one should trust any brand that gives their test results anyway. They could lie