This one snuck up on me. I’d had it once before and had classed it as a daily drinker, so it seemed perfect for sipping while I checked my email. I was reading when I suddenly realized that I had a huge mouth-full of flavor. Mostly wood, but reasonably complex. The thing that really impressed me is the mouth-feel and the long, powerful finish. Decent cha qi as well.
I immediately stopped work to enjoy the third steep, which was similar to second cup but more powerful. The tea is more tannic that I would like (part of the mouth-feel) but there is only a hint of bitterness. By the 4th steep the tannin was getting to me: my mouth is all puckered up. I lowered the rating a notch. This isn’t necessarily my style of tea, but I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I got back into the email and did a 5 minute steep (too tannic to drink) which pretty much ended the session.
Actually, the oversteep didn’t totally ruin the leaves, but left it as a daily drinker.