Dashboard frozen?

186 Replies
Courtney said

I emailed Jason. :)

Did you hear back? I’m still down and wondering if it’s just me.

Nope I’m still frozen too.

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Anna said

Me too. I think it’s because I actually drank and reviewed a peppermint tea. The dash was probably so shocked it just… fleh.

Courtney said


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Mine is stuck too, and I’ve been seeing some other weirdness in the past few days. Tasting note order on the tea pages is different than it used to be. New notes are falling to the bottom of the page unless they already have a previous note by the same person to attach to.

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keychange said

I’ve had to find alternative ways of reading notes all day and have been all out of sorts! so yup, frozen here, too.

It’s ok. Like magic, it’ll be up and running soon, I’m sure.

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Anna said


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Jason select said

Should be back. Sorry guys.

Thank you!

Anna said

It is – awesome, thank you!

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Lala said

Anyone else having issues? Mines been frozen for a few hours. Also unable to post a review and make changes to my cupboard…

Dexter said

I have tasting notes from 15 minutes ago, but the site is crazy slow for me – taking 30+ seconds to load pages. I haven’t tried to post any tasting notes….

Courtney said

I just posted a note myself, but the last one before that was 2 hours ago.

Lala said

OK dashboard is good now, but I still can’t add to my cupboard or write a tasting note for Teavivre’s Organic nonpareil she qian dragon well. It seems to be a problem just with that tea because I can add notes for other teas.

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My dashboard is frozen and I don’t get my notices. Anyone else experiencing the same this afternoon?

How many notices are you trying to look at? That had been happening to me for months because I essentially ignored it so long and it build up to over 1k notices. Lol.
A Steepster Mod had to clear them out before I was able to check my notices normally again.

Courtney said

Yep. I haven’t had a new note of any notices show up for the last little bit. Maybe an hour? It’s not that my notices won’t load – just my dashboard isn’t changing at all.

Shadowfall, I’m up to date, it’s just that they don’t come in anymore, like I have new comments and likes on a post but don’t get notified for them. It’s ok, I know it does that occasionally and it comes back eventually. I was just wondering if I was the only one :-)

Yeah, Courtney, my dashboard hasn’t updated since about an hour too, I’ve moved browse section to read all the notes. I’ll wait a little longer and contact jason if it doesn,t come back…

yyz said

Mines frozen too.

Ok, I’ve just emailed Jason everyone…

Courtney said

Way to take one for the team TheTeaFairy :)

Hehe, I’ll take one for the “tea-m” anyday :-)

Courtney said


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Jason select said

All back now.

Thank you so much Jason, and sorry to bother you on a Saturday :-)

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K S said

No new notes in over 3 hours and can’t receive notices – anyone else having issues today? I’m never sure it isn’t my lousy internet connection.

Anna said

Steepster has been completely down for me for hours… until now. Poof!

Ost said

Same here! Also the server keeps crashing. Goes in and out. :/

Has anyone emailed Jason yet? I just did on Saturday, lol, I’m not doing it this time, I end up being the one quite often, I’m sure he thinks I’m Steepster’s OCD’s finest… Oh but wait…I am!!!!

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